GOLD $2,498.80 SILVER $28.01 PLATINUM $929.70


I want to thank you for the best education on the money system, banking and finance that I have ever had the pleasure of learning....I have been involved in finance for over 14 years and carry two degrees; one in finance and the other in economics. The education that I paid for in college has been explained better in your seminars and book and at a lot less money.

Kevin DeMerritPresident, Lear Financial

I come from a family of real estate developers, bank owners/presidents, and people of great vision as well as Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers on both sides of the family… I ordered the book, opened it yesterday, and literally could not put the book down. I finished this morning and… I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this packaging of history, politics, religion, and finance that makes perfect sense to me… I think I will purchase your book as a gift to my grandfather, and my pastor for their own spiritual growth.

Jon Oral Nash, MBAGrandson of Rev. Oral Roberts

Norm Franz brings a unique and need gift to the body of Christ in the area of finances and economics… His urgent message combined with his thoroughness and clarity of presentation makes this book a must read for anyone who wishes to overcome the global economic problems of the last days.

Warren SchoderPresident, Royal Bounty Financial

Money and Wealth in the New Millennium, by Norm Franz, is a Biblical roadmap to understanding God's view of money and wealth and how to avoid the financial 'slavery' that is ensnaring us in the world’s fraudulent money system. A virtual blockbuster in the making, it is a must read for all serious Christians.

David CroweExecutive Director Restore America

You must read Norm’s book if you want to understand what's going on in our economy and what will happen in the future…and what to do about it.

Sid Roth"It's Supernatural” TV Program

Norm Franz is a prophetic trumpet sounding an alarm. He exposes the hidden deceptions our modern financial system is based upon. Norm's well research material will challenge you to rethink how you understand the world financial system. He is not to be missed!

Alan CurryFormer Australian President of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce

As an instructor, Norm Franz demonstrates very well the knowledge and methodologies necessary in meeting adults’ unique education needs. Participants consistently give him high marks for organization, course content, flexibility and openness, and in meeting their objectives in taking the course. As a Program Coordinator, I appreciate his contribution to a successful semester for us, and I look forward to future seminars.

Dianna LawlessProgram Director, Colorado State University

My husband, who is not yet a Christian, has watched many of your DVDs on the economy with me. He retired from FDIC some years ago but was called back to work several months ago to help with the banking crisis. He did not like your DVDs in the beginning. Now, Norm, he says that you are "brilliant"!
